Samsung's Euro-centric Omina M has finished its mandated saunter through the FCC. The Windows Phone for the old country will sport a 4-inch Super AMOLED display, 1GHz processor -- while the test documents reveal that it'll only carry a GSM and 3G radio, leaving the lucky few with LTE out in the cold. Now that it's passed the regulatory hurdle of being allowed into the US, we can hope that the company will soon start talking about when we can get our hands on one.
We already know the President has gone mobile -- and now he wants to take the rest of the government with him. President Obama has gone on the record ordering major federal agencies to jump on the mobile bandwagon, developing apps to increase public access to tax payer funded departments like education and healthcare. Said the President in a statement, "Americans deserve a government that works for them anytime, anywhere, and on any device." Obama has ordered the agencies to join the app revolution within the next 12 months.
New add-on boxes that extend and supplement the functionality of existing Premiere DVRs aren't all TiVo had to show off this week at the Cable Show in Boston, as it also demonstrated the fruits of its new partnership with Pace. The result is this XG1 gateway, a six-tuner DVR that's intended to be sold by TV providers and then hidden away in a closet, quietly distributing video to smart TVs or extenders located throughout the house. It runs TiVo's software with support for multi-room video, MoCA, mobile and tablet remote apps and at least 500GB of hard drive space inside. Since it hasn't announced any plans to bring this unit to retail we'll have to wait and see which providers decide to offer it when it becomes available in the Americas "later this year".