- 12:48 Samsung Illusion gets pictured on Verizon, convincing us it's not a figment of our imagination: We can't p... t.co/GzRkOQHR #
- 16:07 Canon's 8-inch CMOS sensor can record SPACE at 60fps: For whatever reason, Canon seemed more concerned wit... t.co/RIA2Qlm1 #
- 19:26 Honeywell and Opower team up for cloud-connected smart thermostat: Normally we wouldn't get too excited abou... t.co/iuTuLDRf #
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- 22:50 Opera Mobile on Android x86 at IDF 2011 (video): We discovered this little gem hidden deep within the rece... t.co/YKLygsIb #
- 23:31 What's your dream smartphone?: CNET's Bonnie Cha has seen a lot of smartphones in her day, and they're all start... t.co/z8HsZYJB #
- 01:50 High-end audio sounds great, lasts decades t.co/7QGWw7pL #
- 02:09 Samsung countersues Apple in Australia, claims iPhone / iPad 2 violate its patents: Man. Exciting stuff, here. ... t.co/VBWtT2F1 #
- 05:29 Tiny infrared LEDs could find a home in ultra-thin multitouch screens: A company called Osram Opto Semicondu... t.co/1YK20gcO #
- 08:01 Questioning Sony's new class-action waiver: Sony is removing right for consumers to join class-action suits agai... t.co/Fjs14c7f #
- 08:17 HP chair favors 'HP PC' in name of spin-off--report t.co/xn6pKiI3 #
- 08:17 Questioning Sony's new class-action waiver t.co/tPtRxjWi #
- 08:17 Facebook's kosher twin separates users by gender t.co/rZ8m3Uzl #
- 08:50 Inhabitat's Week in Green: sun-powered homes, retro robots and a solar laptop chipset: Each week our friends at... t.co/HSwOP2ZB #
- 09:29 Another pair of tech-unsavvy seniors dazzles YouTube t.co/zl9YCz5F #
- 09:31 Another pair of tech-unsavvy seniors dazzles YouTube: It's becoming a genre in its own right: Adorable senior co... t.co/8p4Uccot #