- 10:07 Canon LV-7290 Projector t.co/SJIWj2L #
- 11:06 How would you change HP's Veer 4G?: We know, there isn't much point, but folks who sank untold Jacksons on o... t.co/2oGha5L #
- 14:21 New program makes it easier to turn your computer into a conversational chatterbox: We've already seen how a... t.co/hGIfQfF #
- 15:34 Smartphones Unlocked: How cell phones get their names (column) t.co/CxlYziJ #
- 17:24 WiLAN lawyers up, picks patent fight with Apple, Dell, HP, HTC and others: You know what the tech world need... t.co/B131Nue #
- 20:37 Gateway TP Series A60 tablet pops up at Future Shop, cops Iconia Tab A500's style: We weren't exactly thrill... t.co/dEIOAam #
- 20:39 Google Translate now autosuggests fixes for my typing errors, which are abundant in French… t.co/piCghSn #
- 23:43 Baidu announces Android OS alternative, confirming its mobile aspirations: At present time, Baidu's a deskto... t.co/6yr93d8 #
- 00:46 Fans hear the Call of Duty in LA (photos) t.co/wCYWHkm #
- 00:46 Deutsche Telekom accepting iPhone 5 reservations t.co/7tOmAg2 #
- 00:46 Google doodles a complex piece for Freddie Mercury t.co/22lVaWR #
- 01:01 Google doodles a complex piece for Freddie Mercury: Google animates its way to celebrating the birthday of Fredd... t.co/hnuQ87r #
- 01:47 T-Mobile may miss out on AT&T break-up fee, report says t.co/eIyrew7 #
- 01:47 Netflix launches streaming service in Latin America t.co/S6CKEjH #
- 02:06 Netflix launches streaming service in Latin America: Streaming service goes live in Brazil, with expansion into ... t.co/Jmwoxrb #
- 03:04 Andy Pad, Andy Pad Pro now available within Europe, for not a lot of money: If you've been twiddling your ... t.co/YpKxldj #
- 06:22 HTC Jetstream hits AT&T store, gets benchmarked: Thinking about picking up an (inconceivably expensive) HTC ... t.co/SJ1l1or #
- 09:34 New York Times' magic mirror helps you get dressed, puts the 'wall' in 'paywall' (video): Forget crosswords ... t.co/wNTLoU0 #