The AirPlay market doesn't seem to be shrinking anytime soon, giving Logitech ample opportunity to tread on ground already marked by the likes of JBL and Klipsch. This morning, the outfit's introducing the Logitech UE Air Speaker with AirPlay technology, enabling uncompressed audio streams to flow from one's iTunes library, iPad, iPhone or iPod touch right to the home stereo. You'll need both the boombox and your AirPlay source connected to the same WiFi network, after which you can pipe sine waves to its pair of tweeters and woofers. Users will need to download the (gratis) Logitech UE Air app for setup, which will be infinitely more useful when the speaker itself starts to ship to Europe and the US this April for $399.99.
An alleged Magenta-branded memo's managed to find its way out of store lockup and land at the TmoNews offices, revealing some not-so-good news for potential future customers. Per the leaked document, T-Mobile's about to hike the price on its 5GB and 10GB Promotional Bundles data plans, starting as soon as April 4th. The changes would slap an extra $5 monthly fee on each Classic plan, boosting the 5GB to $35 / $40 and the 10GB to $65 / $70, however it'd only apply to customers signing up after the aforementioned April date. Perhaps, it's all part of T-Mo's "restructuring" plan...