Google may stir controversy from
time to
time, but you can't deny it's one of the better provider of virtual tools that help make your life a bit easier. In this case, the
Big G's bringing along some concert listings to its world renowned search engine. All you've got to do on your end is show up, pop a simple hunt query for your favorite band / artist (
Kanye, Swift or whatever you're into) and within milliseconds you'll know where and when the next gig's taking place. That is, if that certain musician you're looking for is on tour or has some booked shows coming up (no, it won't get
Daft Punk to come play at your house). The fresh tidbit's available now for those G-searching in English, though the plan's to "expand the feature to more countries in the future." You can also make your boy band's next gig show up in results by dropping a rich snippets markup on your site -- hit up the source link below for the full deets.