- 10:18 Moving beyond the PC, iPad in hand: Is the tablet the device of choice for the post-PC paradigm? That's what an... t.co/lxv4oyW #
- 10:37 Ask Engadget: best 1TB+ USB 3.0 external drive on a budget?: We know you've got questions, and if you're bra... t.co/KISD89H #
- 11:16 2012 Chevy Sonic features "hill-hold" technology t.co/hj4EC8l #
- 11:16 Buy a 2012 Mustang Boss 302, get a professional driving lesson for free t.co/EAG2enu #
- 11:16 Moving beyond the PC, iPad in hand t.co/4UxdIoo #
- 13:50 Windows Phone Mango RTM leaks into the wild, offers tropical sweets for the daring: For those who've longed ... t.co/P5UkrEu #
- 17:03 Zynga's Pioneer Trail is like The Oregon Trail without the typhoid: Zynga has finally released The Pioneer... t.co/HdrGTpO #
- 17:33 A Web entrepreneur's tale of too-high taxes, anti-business regs t.co/mdJkVGH #
- 19:15 Stanford says it has the fastest solar car ever (photos): Later this year, Xenith will travel across the Austra... t.co/dOs0IBG #
- 20:29 OEMs to spend more on semiconductors for wireless devices than computers in 2011: Well, if you didn't believ... t.co/H9QWL4n #
- 21:04 A beginner's guide to telecom jargon, part 5 t.co/TDGWZr7 #
- 21:04 Are math skills genetic? t.co/0uLZ7Kw #
- 21:04 Stanford says it has the fastest solar car ever (photos) t.co/R2ThUCZ #
- 23:49 ASUS Eee Pad Slider shows off its specs, may launch in September: ASUS' Eee Pad Slider is fast becoming just... t.co/YQZRO0q #
- 23:57 Tweet from rapper's Twitter makes LA sheriff jitter: Rapper Game's Twitter account declares he is looking for a... t.co/izZ74Iu #
- 00:10 Tweet from rapper's Twitter makes LA sheriff jitter t.co/saGTsG0 #
- 00:10 The wireless speaker paradox: They always have wires t.co/FSPJ0YC #
- 00:10 Apple applies for patent to keep screens fingerprint-less t.co/mTS0p3P #
- 00:29 Anonymous plans BART Web site attack, protest: Hackvist group say it will take the Web site for the San Francis... t.co/Y5FOpgL #
- 01:01 3G-equipped MacBook prototype pops up on eBay: A circa 2007 Apple notebook with built-in 3G networking equipmen... t.co/m7myDQA #
- 01:33 3G-equipped MacBook prototype on eBay (photos): An eBay seller has a prototype version of an Apple MacBook comp... t.co/Shs5a4g #
- 02:59 Take Tesla's Model S for a spin this October, if you can get past the velvet rope: Tesla's been showing off ... t.co/X7Pej2B #
- 03:23 Anonymous plans BART Web site attack, protest t.co/vv1uqvi #
- 03:23 3G-equipped MacBook prototype pops up on eBay t.co/C1MqkhI #
- 03:23 3G-equipped MacBook prototype on eBay (photos) t.co/yZbZ1LG #
- 03:23 Lazy Sunday t.co/YCVF6az #
- 03:40 September iPhone 5? October iPhone 5? Why it doesn't matter: Like brides waiting for a proposal, pun dits specul... cnet.co/pB0VBH #
- 04:44 Anonymous defaces BART site, leaks user data: Anonymous logo shows up on Bart.gov and CaliforniaAvoid.org, whil... t.co/Uo3VR4g #
- 05:48 Apple to face fast Android tablets: Apple will likely face a few high-profile, high-performance Android tablets... t.co/44s6f29 #
- 06:11 Switched On: TabCo's tease: Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology ... t.co/Vs31se6 #
- 06:33 September iPhone 5? October iPhone 5? Why it doesn't matter t.co/7ZhBtuS #
- 06:33 Anonymous defaces BART site, leaks user data t.co/Co3LU1J #
- 06:33 Apple to face fast Android tablets t.co/7nzQxvA #
- 06:33 Live on TWiT right now w @leolaporte @karaswisher @om @patricknorton. We got cupcakes. http… t.co/KCRWhZl #
- 09:22 HTC Holiday prototype shows up on Craigsl ist, gives us reason to celebrate: This isn't something you see u... engt.co/pWvnGf #